Path: Growing in Asia. But not so much in the Philippines?


Path is a great app. It looks beautiful and the UI is very streamlined. The app is available for iOS and Android phones.

I’ve seen a lot of friends who are registered users of the service but despite their number, there’s only 2 individual who are actively using them among my friends.

It has been reported by various tech blogs that the service is growing in Asia. But why is it that after registration, people don’t use it regularly? It’s because of Facebook.

There are 100 Million users by now in Google+ but only a few are active. It’s also because of Facebook.

Why Facebook?

Because beauty and innovation right now is useless for another social app or service if your friends are staying somewhere else.

Google+ is striving because it’s useful for those who wants to grow their network. It’s not just for your friends alone. But what about Path?

Personally, I love how easy you can post anything in Path. But it feels empty because when we “share” we want friends whom we can share something with. If there’s no one in a “social” app, then the motivation to share diminish.

Do you use Path? What do you think of the app? What do you think of this service?